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TerraNubis is a cloud-based portal for buying, selling and interpreting
seismic data sets and interpretations.
The portal is developed and
maintained by dGB Earth
Sciences, the developers of
OpendTect seismic interpretation software.
TerraNubis is a commercial marketplace for value-added seismic products.
Value-added products can be anything from data that is already uploaded
into certain software systems, to re-processed data sets, inverted
volumes, merged volumes, projects with digital interpretations
(horizons, faults, etc.), petro-physical logs, well markers,
interpretation reports, and so on.
Anyone with the right to sell such value-added products can do so
through TerraNubis, at the price for which they wish to sell. Entries on TerraNubis are
free-of-charge. Data can be stored by the Seller on any remote location with a high-speed
Internet connection, or data can be stored on TerraNubis at storage costs.
An important aspect of TerraNubis is the possibility to create
derivative work. For example, someone performed a seismic
interpretation and makes this interpretation including all data files
and interpreted grids available as a project for sale in TerraNubis.
The seller permits 3rd parties to create derivative work for this project.
This is a free choice for every project on sale. It means that any
expert can work on this data set to create additional value-added
products without paying the seller. Under this agreement it is explicitly forbidden to
use the data for anything else then for creating derivative work. The
derivative work has to be sold exclusively via TerraNubis in
combination with the original project.

Buy/Sell Products
Any geoscientific data set and any derived product can be sold through
TerraNubis. If you have the right to sell such products and you agree
to our terms & conditions than we invite you to add your
product to the TerraNubis marketplace. This is how it works:
- You contact TerraNubis to inform us about your project(s)
- We sign a Reseller Agreement
- You send us meta-data (text, area polygon, images, 3D PDF)
- We create an entry that you will QC
- The data is uploaded to the cloud:
- Either you upload the data to your own private space and you send us a link from where a buyer can download, or
- You send us the data that we will upload to TerraNubis and you pay us for annual storage costs
- Optionally, we can create a subset of the (seismic) data that can be viewed interactively by potential buyers. This option is offered at a surcharge.
- When someone buys your data:
- The client pays us and we pay you
- After receipt of the money the client receives a temporary download link
Derivative work
An important aspect of TerraNubis is the possibility to create
derivative work. For example, someone performed a seismic
interpretation and makes this interpretation including all
data files and interpreted grids available as a project for
sale in TerraNubis. The seller permits 3rd parties to create
derivative work for this project. This is a free choice for
every project on sale. It means that any expert can work on
this data set to create additional value-added products
without paying the seller. It is explicitly forbidden to use
the data for anything else then creating derivative work.
The derivative work has to be sold exclusively via TerraNubis
and always in combination with the original project.
Download derivative work agreement
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