Project FORCE ML Competition 2020 Synthetic Models and Wells
Country: | N/A |
Data summary: | OpendTect project with Synthetic Models and Wells. For image data extraction and training. |
OpendTect license information: | License key protected parts of OpendTect (OpendTect Pro and the commercial plugins) can be used on this data set without license keys because the software does not check for license key when it runs on this data set. |
Supported for OpendTect: | 6.4.6, 6.6.X, 7.0.0 and onwards |
Size: | 2.2 GB (uncompressed), 1.6 GB (download) |
License: | |
Download: |
Competition organiser: | |
Original seismic: |
Value added products: |
Using the data and value-added products in this project in publications is permitted. We kindly request to be acknowledged in the following manner:
We thank dGB Earth Sciences for making the data available as an OpendTect project via their TerraNubis portal
Survey Parameters
Survey type: | Only 3D |
Inline range and step: | 1, 151, 1 |
Crossline range and step: | 1, 589, 1 |
Z range and step: | 0, 3.6, 0.004 Time |
Inline bin size (m/line): | 18.75 |
Crossline bin size (m/line): | 12.5 |
Area (sq km): | 20.84 |
Available Data
Synthetic Models: |
WellsLogs: |
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